June 13, 2011

Great Start!

Well, everyone seems to be getting off on a good start!

Just remember- Inkpop is only up until 3 Eastern, so we only have a couple more hours to get those needed group WW's in before we only have our buddies!


  1. Yo tengo una pregunta, senorita. :)

    so,like, I have exams this whole week. . .Do I/should I start at the end of this week? I know I'm probably taking this wayyyy too serious but if everyone's starting on the 12th, shouldn't I be too?

  2. Maybe it's my computer, but I cannot get to the forum on Inkpop. :( I keep either getting redirected or 404 errors. My Inkpop screenname is "Jenna in Agloe" if you want to contact me there.
